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世界著名武术家 武当松溪派武术代表人/张加立(湖北) 张加立(1969~ ),安徽砀山人,现任武当松溪派拳法研究会副会长,中国武当拳法研究会特邀研究员、安徽道教协会副会长、武当山松溪派拳法研究会总教练,武当山经济旅游特区加立武当文化交流中心主任,武当山松溪内家武术馆馆长,中国散手道协会副秘书长,香港武当气功学院顾问,俄罗斯道教武术学校顾问,国际武术八段,世界著名武术家。 1977年随安徽省武协主席胡敬章(已故)先生习练少林、形意、八卦等拳法。尽得恩师之真传,被恩师命为关门弟子。后随形意拳大师闫先进习练形意拳。1989年驻武当山道观,在此期间尽得松溪派12代游明生大师之真传,为松溪派第13代正宗传人。是集武当松溪、形意、八卦、太极、中医的武当武术名家,成为武当武术的中流砥柱,为武当派重要的代表人物。 张加立先生多次参加国内国际武术大赛,获金牌80余枚,其事迹多次被中央电视台、湖北电视台、十堰市电视台、武当电视台及丹江口市电视台报道过,多次为国家省市领导人演出并受到接见,其弟子遍及德国、美、英、法、澳、俄等多个国家,曾多次应邀出国讲学。 2007年和德国电视台拍摄《中国武当功夫》,湖北卫视《挑战武当功夫》及美国好莱乌电视台《圣山》等武术方面的拍摄。2009年被聘为“世界著名武术家”。2010年被评为“世界武术拳种代表人”。2010参加《武当神韵》的拍摄工作。 所习秘传套路有:武当龙形八卦拳、武当八卦剑,武当太极拳、武当南太极、武当鹞子拳、武当纯阳剑、太极长拳、拂尘、武当朴刀、武当方便铲、武当形意拳,武当一苇棍,虎尾鞭、夜行刀、松溪六步拳、松溪问津拳、松溪小花剑、武当蛇形剑、松溪白虹剑等一百多个武当秘传套路。 2011年出版《武当八卦掌》、《武当拂尘》、《武当雪花剑》、《武当松溪短打拳》、《武当松溪南派太极拳》、《武当松溪太极长拳》等八盘武当武术光盘。 联系方式:湖北省十堰市武当山经济旅游特区太和路88号信箱武当松溪内家拳法研究会。 湖北省十堰市武当山经济旅游特区太和东路59栋1单元401室武当山经济旅游特区加立武当文化交流中心 联系人 :张加立 道长 电话:13733573995 QQ:1506175752 信箱 :wd.zjl@163.com Wuda g martial art world-re ow ed martial art chool So gxi Re re e tative / ZHANG Jia Li (Hu ei) ZHANG Jia Li (1969), A hui Da g ha eo le, the curre t allocatio of Wuda g oxi g So gxi re earch vice re ide t, Chi a will e a gue t re earcher of Wuda g oxi g, A hui Taoi t A ociatio Vice Pre ide t, Re earch Wuda g oxi g So gxi chool head coach, Wuda g Mou t Wuda g Eco omic Cultural Touri m DC lu Legi lative Director of the Ce ter So gxi Wuda g martial art curator withi the home, the Chi e e Sa hou Dao A ociatio De uty Secretary-Ge eral, Ho g Ko g I titute of Wuda g Qigo g Advi er, Ru ia Taoi t martial art chool cou elor , eight out of i ter atio al martial art world the famou martial arti t. A hui Provi ce i 1977, with Pre ide t Hu Ji g Wu A ociatio Cha ter (decea ed), Mr. ractici g Shaoli , Xi gyi, Bagua a d other oxi g. Doi g o e' e t teacher of the true ma , wa ordered to clo e di ci le me tor. After ractici g with the Xi g Yi Qua Xi g Yi Qua ma ter Ya Xia Ji . Wuda g Taoi t tem le i 1989, duri g which e d 12 to receive the So gxi Ma ter of Health o ehalf of the truth of Mi g-Chua , to So gxi authe tic 13th ge eratio ucce or chool. So gxi i a Wuda g, Xi gyi, Bagua, Tai Chi, Chi e e Wuda g martial art ma ter to ecome the mai tay of Wuda g martial art , i a im orta t re re e tative of Wuda g. Mr. Zha g Jiali ha artici ated i dome tic a d i ter atio al martial art com etitio , wo 80 gold medal , the tory re eated y the ce tral televi io tatio , Hu ei TV, Shiya City TV tatio , TV tatio a d Da jia gkou Wuda g televi io re orted, erformed ma y time for the atio al a d rovi cial leader ee met, the di ci le i Germa y, the U ited State , Britai , Fra ce, Au tralia, Ru ia a d other cou trie , ha ee i vited a road to give lecture . Germa televi io film i 2007 a d "Chi a' Wuda g Ku g Fu", Hu ei TV "challe ge Wuda g Ku g Fu Hu tle" a d the U ited State good Leeuw TV "Holy Mou tai " a d other martial art hotogra hy. 2009, wa amed "the world famou martial arti t." 2010, wa amed "World Wu hu oxi g re re e tative." The e oteric lear i g routi e are: Wuda g Bagua Drago Form Boxi g, Wuda g Bagua Sword, Wuda g Tai Chi Chua , Wuda g Souther Tai Chi, Wuda g oxi g kite, Wuda g Pure Ya g Sword, Tai Chi Lo g Boxi g, whi k, Pudao Wuda g, Wuda g Fa g ia Cha , Wuda g form Yiqua , Wuda g a reed tick, Huwei whi , Night k ife, So gxi ix- te oxi g, oxi g So gxi i tere ted, So gxi mall foil, ake Wuda g word, Bai So gxi Wuda g word more tha a hu dred uch e oteric tyle . 2011, "Wuda g Bagua", "Wuda g whi k", "S ow Wuda g Sword", " hort So gxi Wuda g oxi g," "Souther Pi e So gxi Wuda g Taiji", "Wuda g Tai Chi Lo g Boxi g So gxi" a d eight Wuda g Martial Art CD. Co tact: Wuda g Mou tai i Hu ei Provi ce Shiya City Taihe Road, HKSAR Eco omic Touri m PO Box 88, So gxi oxi g Wuda g Re earch A ociatio . Wuda g Mou tai i Hu ei Provi ce, Shiya City Taihe Eco omic Touri m DC 59 Ea t Road, Room 401, U it 1, lu legi latio Wuda g Mou tai Wuda g eco omic Touri m DC Cultural Excha ge Ce ter Co tact: ZHANG Jia Li Tel: 13733573995 QQ: 1506175752 Email: wd.zjl @163.com




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