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唐传形意拳、八卦掌、太极拳招生简章 Admi io Brochure of Xi gyiqua , Baguazha g a d Taijiqua of the Ta g Family 形意拳始记载于清初,经过10代的实践和完善,形成了集中医养生、道学、武学一体的武术流派。形意拳在清末达到发展的巅峰,涌现出一批艺高德重的武学大家,在外忧内患的年代打击了侵略者的嚣张气焰,堪称中华民族的脊梁。 Bei g recorded i the early eriod of the Qi g Dy a ty a d with the im roveme t of te ge eratio , Xi gyiqua i tegrated with traditio al Chi e e medici e, Taoi m a d martial art ha develo ed to e a chool of martial art . At the e d of the Qi g Dy a ty, it aw a climax i develo me t whe a grou of re ected martial art ma ter with im re ive kill had come forward. They crackdow agai t the arroga ce of the aggre or at the exter al a d i ter al ro lem -ridde age, lived u to the ame of “the ack o e of the Chi e e atio ”. 唐传形意八卦是河北形意第四代传人唐维禄的拳法,师承河北形意拳师申万林、李存义。先师唐维禄是李存义大师的徒弟,绰号“赛白猿”,在河北与国手孙禄堂齐名,并称河北二禄,腿功卓绝,常一日夜徒步往返于北京和天津之间,修为可见一斑。 Xi gyiqua of the Ta g family i the oxi g form of the fourth ge eratio ucce or to Hei ei Xi gyiqua ---Ta g Weilu who at at the feet of Hei ei Xi gyiqua ma ter She Wa li a d Li Cu yi. Leveled with the atio al oxi g ma ter Su Luta g, alo g with whom are ho ored a the “Two Lu ” i Hei ei rovi ce, Ta g Weilu, a the di ci li e of Li Cu yi a d ick amed a “Sai aiyua (a er o ’ actio i quicker a d much more agile tha the a e)”, walk a rou d tri from Beiji g to Tia ji o ly i a day a d ight regularly, which di clo e hi im re ive martial art kill . 21世纪人们生活条件越来越好,但是亚健康和各种疾病却困扰着80%的人群。保持每天精神饱满的学习工作,对很多人来说已经成为遥不可及的事。河北形意拳也称五行拳,根据中医理论,五种拳架对应金木水火土,对应上心肝脾肺肾,按照五行相生的原理依法练习,可以由内而外的强壮身体,内脏强盛,才是真的强盛,外在也就自然强盛了。通过练习形意拳,可以解决神经衰弱、消化不良、易疲劳等亚健康状况。对“三高”,肾虚,肺痨,肝病,风湿脊椎腰腿病,重度外伤引起的肌肉萎缩等病症有良好疗效。每年可以申报段位,可以参加一些武术比赛。 The 21 t ce tury wit e e that the livi g ta dard have ee etter a d etter ut 80% eo le are trou led with u -health a d variou di ea e . It i i credi le a d im o i le for the majority to tudy a d work with a e ergetic irit. Hei ei Xi gyiqua i al o called the five eleme t oxi g. Accordi g to the traditio al Chi e e medici e, five oxi g ge ture mirror re ectively the five eleme t amed metal, wood, water, fire a d earth corre o di g re ectively to the heart, liver, lee , lu g a d kid ey i huma ody. Practici g the Xi gyiqua i li e with the ri ci le of five corre o di g eleme t i a le to ha e i to a tro g ma from heart to oul. With a e ergetic heart, ma ca have real owerful e ergy a d a tro g a eara ce aturally. It i a le to olve u -health ro lem uch a eura the ia, dy e ia a d fatigue through the ractice of the Xi gyiqua which ha al o a good curative effect o "Three high " (hy erte io , Hy erli aemia a d hy erglycemia), adre al failure, tu erculo i , liver di ea e, rheumatic di ea e, i al, wai t a d leg di ea e , mu cle atro hy cau ed y co ditio uch a evere trauma, etc. Every level of the Xi gyiqua ractice i availa le a ually, while artici a t ca take art i to ome martial art co te t. 唐传形意八卦由第四代嫡传传人--唐维禄先生嫡曾孙唐胜军传授,顾问由第三代嫡传传人唐凤华担任。唐胜军老师自幼5岁随家父唐凤华习武,尽得父亲真传,曾在全国形意拳比赛获金牌,中国武术协会会员,武术段位6段。 Xi gyiBaguazha g of the Ta g family i taught y the fourth ge eratio ucce or---Ta g She gju , the legitimate great-gra d o of Mr. Ta g Weilu, with Ta g Fe ghua---the third ge eratio li eal ucce or work a the co ulta t. Si ce a you g a five year old, ma ter Ta g She gju ha ee lear i g martial art from hi father Ta g Fe ghua. Acquired all the kill u der hi father’ ex ert tutelage, Ta g She gju ha o ce got the Golde Medal i the Natio al Xi gyiqua Co te t, a d a a mem er of the Chi e e Wu hu A ociatio he ha wo the ixth grade i martial art . 传授内容如下:Lear i g Co te t : 1形意拳:各种桩法、八字功、气法吐纳、五行拳的打法与使法、形意连环(进退连环,拨掌连环,顺式连环,八字连环)、八式拳、四把(形意四把,鸡形四把)、杂式锤、链子锤、老三拳、十二形拳单操,十二形合演,五行相生相克对练。 五法:飞、云、摇、晃、旋 1 Xi gyiqua :Variou hitti g ge ture , Eight-word oxi g kill, reathi g a d re iratio kill , the Five Eleme t Boxi g ge ture a d u e , Xi gyi Lia hua oxi g ge ture (with co ecutive oxi g ge ture i cludi g attacki g a d withdraw, ci -acti g ge ture a d Eight-word ge ture ), Eight- tyle oxi g, Four-actio oxi g (Xi gyi four-actio oxi g a d Chicke - ha ed four-actio oxi g), Mixed-ty e hammeri g, Chai hammeri g, Lao a Boxi g (drill, ractice a d wra ---drilled oxi g, oxi g colla e a d wra oxi g), Twelve tyle oxi g for i gle o eratio , Twelve tyle oxi g for co-o eratio , a d 2 me form of cou ter attack ractice a d mutual e efit ractice of the Five Eleme t . Five method : flyi g, da ci g, rocki g, haki g a d i i g 2八卦掌:龙形八卦掌、龙形四门掌、八卦技法32掌、游身八卦掌、九宫八卦顺穿逆穿、八卦单操、双操法(对练) 。 器械有形意子龙十三枪、五行连环棍、形意单刀,形意十三刀,龙形八卦双刀、八卦钺,形意铲,形意朴刀。 2 Baguazha g: Grago - ha ed Baguazha g, Grago - ha ed Sime zha g, Bagua tech ique of thirty-two oxi g ge ture , Jiugo g Bagua hitti g a d cou ter attack oxi g, Bagua oxi g for i gle o eratio , co-o eratio oxi g (2 me form ). Tool : Xi gyi Zilo g thirty gu , Five Eleme t circulati g tave, Xi gyi i gle- road word, Xi gyi thirty road word, Grago - ha ed Gagua dou le- road word, Bagua roadaxe, Xi gyi ade a d Xi gyi falchio . 3杨式太极拳24式,杨式老架108式,太极推手,32式太极剑。 授课老师:唐维禄唐传形意拳第四代嫡传 唐胜军老师 电话:15102245753 联系QQ:935914001 3 Ya g- tyle Shadowg oxi g 24 ge ture , Ya g- tyle traditio al form 108 ge ture , Shadow oxi g u hi g ha d ge ture, 32 ge ture Tachi Sword. I tructor: Mr. Ta g She gju , the fourth ge eratio li eal ucce or of the Xi gyiBaguazha g of Ta g Weilu. Tele ho e: 15102245753 QQ um er: 935914001 Email:ta g he gju 20091231@yahoo.c 个人简历 本人唐胜军,37岁,系唐维禄唐传形意拳,八卦掌第四代嫡传,自幼5岁随家父唐传形意第三代嫡传唐凤华先生习武,习武年限30多年,30年来不论是酷暑还是严寒一直坚持习练家传武学,不敢间断,始终有一个信念就是把中国的国术发扬光大,把家传武学传承延续下去,唐传形意拳的五行拳暗劲练法是活步桩的基础,练人的五脏六腑,每次练五行拳都要求身体特别低,功夫不负有心人,终究练出了内功。成人以后在高中的时候被中国武协评为中国武术四段的称号,中国武术协会会员,曾在2002年天津乐园杯传统武术大赛拳术获一等奖,器械二等奖,在2003年全国首届形意拳比赛中获拳术金牌,器械铜牌,器械对练一等奖的优异成绩,曾受天津中华武士会的邀请带领弟子参加武士会的大型民间武术活动,受到大家的一致好评,2012年滨海新区武术比赛获得优秀表演奖,而且通过习武对其它体育活动也有很大帮助,在单位举行的长跑比赛中获冠军,乒乓球获冠军,由于在各种武术大赛中成绩优异,被中国武术协会破格升为6段,被体育局评为社会辅导员。多年来我一直从事武术事业,在武魂,精武,全球功夫杂志发表过多篇关于唐传形意拳的文章,在海内外传授过很多弟子和学员,每年都受邀请去全国各地传授家传唐传形意拳,八卦掌,也有海内外形意拳,八卦掌爱好者来天津拜师学艺,在汉沽区青少年宫从事唐传形意拳,八卦掌的传授已有12年了,培养了很多优秀的学员,在全国重大比赛获得优异的成绩。在塘沽开发区也对各企业老总,员工进行过培训和传授,被塘沽经济开发区第一印象网站策划推广公司聘为传统国术养生健身教练兼顾问,上海国民实业房地产聘请为形意拳教练。以后我会继续努力传承发扬国术,使内家拳让更多的武术爱好者所了解,不论男女老少,通过习练唐传形意拳,八卦掌都有一个健康的身体,使大家有很好的精神面貌投入到每天的学习和工作当中。谢谢大家!




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